Monday, January 24, 2005


I thought it was dying down, but lately it seems to be on the rise. Several times in the last couple of weeks I've heard it echoed on television, on the radio, in the media or in my office building... or I keep reading it from unexpected sources on the web. In my opinion, it is one of the most arrogant concepts imaginable.

The concept: The earth is fragile, and if we aren't careful, we'll destroy it.

Just today I read on a church website about 'protecting our fragile earth'.

Now, I'm not going to get into the specifics of the individual debates. In particular, there's plenty of information out there about global warming, 'Houdini the Vanishing Ozone Layer', etc -- I don't subscribe to these apocolyptic belief systems, but if you're interested, knock yourself out.

And I also don't want anyone to misunderstand me, as if I'm saying that we should just trash the planet. There are plenty of very real examples of men, women, companies and governments abusing the environment, and that must be dealt with. I mean, I'm annoyed by needless pollution the same as anyone else -- and incidentally, why is it that we all agree that throwing an empty McDonald's cup out the car window is littering and it's wrong, but it is apparently ok for a smoker to throw his cigarette butt out his driver-side window and onto my windshield on I-35?

Anyway, we should OF COURSE be good stewards of what God gave us. But let's not delude ourselves into thinking that we could destroy the earth. THE EARTH IS NOT FRAGILE. I'm getting to know the Architect and Construction Manager, and I'm pretty sure He made the earth to last until it has served His purpose for it. To think that we could slip up and accidentally end the world ahead of His schedule is not only hilarious, it's the height of arrogance.

Ahhh. Feels better to get it off my chest. :-)

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